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’Let’s composte!’ campaign is launched!

  • 2006. június 20.
  • humusz
komposzt_logo_120We have launched the national campaign today morning. The opening speech of Szilágyi László took place on Kossuth tér in Kispest.

To make composte is very simple.
Our grandfathers knew it quite well what to do with organic waste created by their households, even though at that time it was not called as composte.
Four organisations started jointly the national campaign for handling the organic matters in the waste simply and cheap. These organisations are as follows: a HuMuSz, KÖTHÁLÓ, SZIKE and the Öko-Fórum Alapítvány.

We offer local solutions for almost half of the households (in the first round): try to composte one-third of their waste!

This will show numerous advantages:

  1. Organic waste does not have to be mixed in with the other kind of waste, which means that the contents of the trash cans will not become infectious and smelly. And what is more important, they don’t have to be delivered every week…
  2. One third of our waste does not have to be delivered 20-30-50 kilometers, so we can save a great amount of energy and pollution.
  3. There is no need to start expensive investments and build complicated and large composte plants.
  4. There is no need to buy that many artificial fertiliser, no need to produce that much, no need to bother with dangerous materials, since we can apply home made soil improving materials.


It would be a good solution to leave the organic waste where it was produced, and where it is to some extent possible, so there will be almost 800 thousand tons of waste less in the disposal sites. And we do need to relieve the sites, this is what we promised to do to the European Union. At the same time HuMuSz started a campaign for the proportional and differentiated payment for the delivery of waste. Whoever decides to composte and collect the waste selectively, should pay less! The programme ’Let’s composte!’ nicely fits into the Bio-P programme launched by the ministry, we do hope there will be strong cooperation between the two initiatives.


Today we have also started a webpage: , where we put daily updated information on methods, equipments, and events linked to the campaign. This presentation will go on a national roadshow so we can raise awareness on the importance of composting in as many cities as we can.

Let us composte the same way as our grandfathers did!